Iwasaki Kamisori Razor
Iwasaki's Japanese-style kamisori razor is probably the best shaving razor in the world. Many connoisseurs from the world of traditional shaving will tell you this.
The Iwasaki forge is located in the northern part of Japan in the city of Sanyo. The best quality razors have been produced here for generations. The secrets of the craft are passed down from generation to generation, and each new generation of blacksmiths contributes a little to make this product as perfect as possible. The famous blacksmith Shigeyoshi Iwasaki is currently retired and his apprentice Ryouichi Mizuochi took over the job.
The razor that comes out of this forge goes through over 100 stages of production where every piece is carefully taken care of for perfection. A piece of Swedish steel with 0% impurities is hand riveted to a softer steel and goes through extremely precisely defined processes to end up with a blade of unreal performance. It is this steel that represents the final edge of the razor.
Materials: Swedish Sandvik steel, mild steel, rattan, paulownia
Dimensions: 164x4x22mm / Blade length: 50mm
Weight: 45g
Each razor made by master Mizuochi receives a hand-sharpening treatment on natural stone quarried in the Kyoto region. Then, at the end, the handle is wrapped in rattan and thus the ready razor comes to you. Also, this product includes exclusive packaging in a box made of paulownia wood.
Ukoliko kupujete svoj prvi japanski nož savet je da izaberete multifunkcionalni oblik sečiva koji će pokriti najveći spektar vaših potreba u kuhinji. Tu ubrajamo Gyuto, Santoku i Bunku. Pravilo je da veće osobe trebaju veće noževe i obrnuto.

Iako se u kulturi dalekog istoka ne savetuje darivanje sečiva zbog povezanosti sa presecanjem dobrih odnosa, ni oni nisu uspeli da odole savršenosti ovakvog poklona pa su osmislili "varku" koja im dozvoljava da bez problema daruju noževe. Samo zatražite jedan novčić od osobe koja prima poklon i u očima strogih duhova sujeverja to će biti poštena razmena.Sada bez šale, nož je poklon koji će za razliku od drugih prolaznih stvari ostati zauvek upamćen jer će zauvek i služiti.

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